Features and Benefits of PCMedik :
- Makes direct changes to the Windows system registry and system files to enhance memory, screen drawing, animations, refresh rates, CPU thread speeds and security.
- Automatically adjusts settings and changes made based on the computer specifications, and by the end-user choices.
- Deep system analyzer and diagnostic features which attempt to find and repair any potential problems with the computer affecting its performance.
- Compatible with the latest versions of Microsoft Windows, including Windows Vista 64-BIT and 32-BIT computers.
- Advanced software based over-clocking features to enhance memory and CPU priorities to improve application performance.
- New and improved modern user interface, easy and intuitive to use and compliant with Windows user interface guidelines.
- Software was entirely developed and built in the United States. Technical support also is based in the United States.
- Try before you buy licensing with dedicated software updates and quality around the clock technical support.
Download | PGWARE PCMedik With Patch
tak pikir tool nya anak kedokteran :D
@secangkir :)) ane juga pertama x pikirnya g2 sob...
wah bagus nih software...
@Download semoga bermanfaat aja sob.. :)
))salam kenal,kunjungi balik dong ..
Ow... jadi ini semacam software buat memperbaiki komputer yach sob???? Dokter buat komputer....heheheheheh
saya baru kenal kalau ada software namanya pc medik, sy biasanya pakai software tuneup utilities2009. hebat3x
waah tengkyu nih... ^_^
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