Google Chrome 6.0.472.55 Final

Google Chrome ya siapa sih yang nggak kenal sama browser yang satu ini?? nah kali ini saya akan share sebuah web browser yakni bernama Google Chrome 6.0.472.55 Final, Google Chrome adalah sebuah browser web open source yang dikembangkan oleh Google. Software arsitektur direkayasa dari awal (komponen menggunakan dari software open source lainnya termasuk WebKit dan Mozilla Firefox),,

  • Sandboxing
Every tab in Chrome is sandboxed, so that a tab can display contents of a web page and accept user input, but it will not be able to read the user's desktop or personal files.
Google say they have "taken the existing process boundary and made it into a jail". There is an exception to this rule; browser plugins such as Adobe Flash Player do not run within the boundaries of the tab jail, and so users will still be vulnerable to cross-browser exploits based on plugins, until plugins have been updated to work with the new Chrome security. Google has also developed a new phishing blacklist, which will be built into Chrome, as well as made available via a separate public API.
  • Privacy
Google announces a so-called incognito mode claiming that it "lets you browse the web in complete privacy because it doesn’t record any of your activity". No features of this, and no implications of the default mode with respect to Google's database are given.
  • Speed
Speed improvements are a primary design goal.

Password : ex-dot
Download | Google Chrome 6.0.472.55 Final


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