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Auto Hide IP dan
Auto Hide IP ini sudah memasuki tahapan
Portable (alias tidak memerlukan instalasi),, bagi yang suka instalasi silahkan mencoba versi
Auto Hide IP, yah mengenai fungsi nggak jauh beda kok dengan versi instalasinya,,
Key Features:
Prevent others from seeing your true IP when browsing the Internet. Change your IP frequently with the click of a button!
Identity thieves can use your IP address to monitor your web activity and intercept your private financial information. Criminals, hackers, and even the government can trace your exact location right down to your street address.
You can also select fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.
Prevent your real IP address from being shown in E-mail headers on any Webmail E-mail service such as Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail. It is very easy for anyone to find your geographic area you send E-mail from using free publicly available IP lookup tools.
- Un-ban Yourself From Forums and Message Boards
Have you been banned from a forum or message board? No problem! Use Auto Hide IP to change your IP allowing you to access any website that has banned you such as eBay, Craigslist, and many browser-based games
Password Mediafire : ex-dot
Download | Auto Hide IP Portable
wah yang portable nih sob,,, boleh juga nih sob,,,, soalnya AUTO HIDE IP say gak portable sob, full Installer,,,
wah....jadi software ini mencegah hacker menghack komputr kita.....
mirip platinum hide IP
bagus mana ???
@Devaz klo menurut saya sh sob msh bagus Auto Hide IP karena pilihan ip negara dan features2nya lebih unggul dr pada Platinum
auto hide ip setelah di instal memang berubah ip x. tp di situs tertentu yg dpt memunculkan ip kita tetap saja memunculkan ip yang asli. mis coba di situs test speed internet, dll
@Anonymous wah iya saya belum ke pikiran ke,,, :18
thx atas masukannya mas,, mungkin updatean yang baru mungkin udah work di speedtest,, :10
gan cara pakeknya gimana?? ip aslinya koq beda ama ip.ku ya. ndak sini di tulis ip surabaya. laa ip asliku kota tuban..
ip aslinya beda gan.. tolong di bantu
@DDijee : cara pakenya tinggal instal aja terus klik fake ip.
kok bisa sih gan?? mungkin agan sebelumnya pake proxy??
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