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What's New? :
- Optimized detect Office 2010 products on 64 edition of Windows.
- Setting of counter of rearms Office 2010 (counter is working for the rearms made with activator only).
- Install/Uninstall KMS emulator as Windows service without Command window.
- KMS emulator installation process is modified.
- The conflict with firewall is eliminated at run once KMS emulator.
- Function of copying of a path to the KMS emulator's file for adding in exceptions of Anti-Virus software.
- Internal errors reporting (eg: if activator components are blocked by antivirus software).
- Improved checking whether activator is running on behalf of administrator.
- Activator code optimization.
Pertamaxxx gan,,,
Sedoot dulu,,soalnya Office 2010 ane trial,,
visit back ya,, http://remoshare.blogspot.com
Kedua Gan..............
Gan ex-dot request program delphi yang open source di tunggu banget ya agan......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ane tunggu bgt,,,
makasih gan ex-dot
sukses selalu
huh gak dapat pertamaxx tapi gak apa-apa KETIGAXXXX jangan lupa kunjungan balik ya ex-dot BIT-XP.COM
matur suwun terimakasih gan!
ini yg saya tunggu2 udh di post..
maju terus ex-dot. :))
Thanks sob, kebetulan banget ni, office ane abis dicrack kemaren minta serial lagi, semoga dengan kms activator ini bisa berhasil alias full lagi.
mas EX-DOT saya request font dan brush yang mas ex-dot pakai untuk membuat header :) :) kirim keemail saya contact@bit-xp.com
Nice Share..
Visit back ya
nice bray,
saya ijin copas yaa,
jangan lupa follow back blog saya,
Thanz buat infonya Sob...
Pas bgt, saya mo ganti office07 ke 2010 ne...
ijin sedot y Sob..
ko g bisa mas bro..
file dah d remove sepertinya..
file dah di remove gan,tlong donk re-post lgi ane butuh banget nich.Thanks.......
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